Monday, January 8, 2007

mmmm, narcissism

A while back I decided I'd start blogging. I typed up what would be my first blog entry. It was basically all about how blogging was basically just a digitized form of narcissism. I think my favorite part of that blog-entry-to-be was the blatant narcissism with which i discussed narcissism. It was truly a thing of beauty. This, is not that entry. I really can't bring myself to look at it again. It's just too beautiful. If i gaze again i may drown in it. We can't have that.

I opted, for a variety of reasons, not to blog at that time. One reason being I simply could not think of a good reason to. Don't get me wrong, I've got good crap to say, but I could not imagine a reason to blog that would not, in the end be a way of saying, "hey, look how cool I am." Driving home from Richmond recently, I realized that blogging is a good thought stimulator. I occasionally have thoughts about stuff that I'm sure I'd write down and explore further if only I had a place/reason to do it. Blogging could therefore be a thought promoting activity. Being a sucker for thinking deeply about unimportant stuff I decided the time had come.

So that's my justification. I hope it's a good one. Maybe my next post will be an explanation of the blog's title.


Ezekiel James said...


I have found you. now we can be compadres in the blogging hemisphere as opposed to the real northern hemisphere. Your blog excites me. I hope you never stop.

Alejandro (aka Zeke)

Michael.Rollins said...

Zeke, do you have a blog? THAT I'd really love to see!

Anonymous said...

your mom has a blog...

Ezekiel James said...

I blog at

It's not very funny but you will probably see a different side of this guy...

I think many would agree that Mike Rollins must start a blog immediately. I need some dirty jokes, PRONTO!!!