Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bloke in a dress!

So, i recently bought myself a dress. . .

Apparently, i will, this Saturday, carry on the grand, cross-dressing tradition of many who have engaged, survived and conquered the education system. i, my friend, will walk in a graduation commencement ceremony. Why this requires me to wear a dress (or "gown" if you prefer) is beyond me.

The whole graduation thing seems strangely anti-climactic. Perhaps this is because 9 days later i will again begin classes at the same school. I will not be resuming classes for the sake of continuing my education by seeking a graduate degree, but rather for the purpose of completing the very degree i'll be cross-dressing for this weekend. It's sort of a kill joy.

Honestly, it feels like a kind of debt. i'll be "getting a degree" based on my promise to complete some course work. i know i'm not actually getting a degree this weekend (i don't think anyone does at these things; i'm pretty sure they mail it to you later). Still i can't help but imagine i'll feel somehow obligated to finish after Saturday. Like before i was doing it for my own reasons but after this weekend i'll owe them my scholastic effort.

i plan to finish, obligation or no, so it's not big deal but still, i can't help but think that walking across that stage on Saturday will feel ever so much like the swipe of a big credit card.


Ezekiel James said...

i never really thought of it that way. however, the way you put it makes there seem to be a heaviness about the situation. all i ask is that you don't murder anyone from the intensity of law school. prayers will abound from this coast.

Inkwasbetter said...

Yeah, it's fun. I have a week off between spring and summer semesters then i'll have one week between summer school and law school. Thursday was right man; it never ends.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.