Friday, September 7, 2007

i am but one small instrument. . .

Ok, so, i'm not sure how best to say this. . . Jeremy Enigk. . . . well, Jeremy Enigk. i have no words to describe it. i try not to be overly gushy about bands and artists and stuff but sometimes one has to stop and appreciate that God has given some people far too much talent. i was listening to World Waits today and my goodness, it's just unbelievable.

i realize this album has been out for a while but lets be honest, we could have the same conversation (read monolog) about Diary. It never stops being incredible. It honestly makes me jealous but it also inspires me. It makes me want to write and play music. It makes me want to hear songs i wrote and recorded play back. It makes me want to play open-mics and crap like that. Man i need to learn how to sing. i also need to learn how to write songs i like. Most of the stuff i try to write comes out sounding like something i wouldn't listen to.

Anywho, enough about me. Jeremy Enigk actually brought glory to God today. Listening to his stuff actually made me stop and tell God how awesome He (God, not Jeremy) is. Enigk doesn't write worship music (that i know of). i've heard rumors that he accepted the Lord years ago but i have no idea if that is actually true or if it "stuck" or not but i honestly don't care. i mean, i care; obviously i'd prefer to see the man not go to hell, but i've never met him so it's not really my place to get all into it. my point is, i don't honestly care if he meant to glorify God with his music or not. He did. The pure, simple, complex, beauty of his music really reminded me how amazing God is.

i suppose this ties into an earlier conversation (read monolog) about worshiping God without getting in the way. i'm not sure it does, but it seems to in my head. Either way, i'm probably not listening to anything else today. (ok, that's not 100% accurate, a little Elliot Smith slipped in earlier but that's because i was thinking about scotch.)