Friday, January 12, 2007

Board at work

So, i've been bored at work lately and I recently recieved some new pedals for Christmas. It was not enough for me to re-arrange my pedal board (twice). I had to embrace my dorkiness and and use CAD at work to draft it out. Behold:

I"m working to try and get one uploaded that you can view full size but blogger is not cooperating. This should give you the general idea in the mean time. Feel free to email me if you want the full size pdf in the mean time.


Ezekiel James said...

it's a thing of beauty, mate.

Michael.Rollins said...

Isn't it "bored"?


Or, was that some witticism about your layout of pedals?

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for letting us in on your blog. I have to say, I was amused reading. My xanga is not nearly as thought provoking or witty.

Anonymous said...

whoever told you to title it "Board at Work" is a real class A douche bag.

Let's hurt him.

Ezekiel James said...

actually he's not such a bad guy once you get to know him. My only complaint is that he's kind of a narcissist and watches arrested devolopment too much which causes him to have ongoing debates with himself on someone elses blog.

this is ridiculous. I'll stop here.