Thursday, January 25, 2007

What caliber of man will you be . . ?

So, it occurred to me that my explanation for the justification of this blog was not entirely forth coming. My motives may not be any of your business, but the following may help to explain some of the ramblings to which you may be exposed in the future.

We recently began a new chronological period in time (some of us choose to call this period a "year"). I've never been much for resolutions. This has much to do with my life's mission of being too cool for anything more than 15 other people do. But I've been thinking a great deal lately about God and me and my family and life and what is and is not important. Our pastor was talking recently about a man (Johnathan Edwards maybe?) who took one year of his life and came up with like 70 resolutions by which he intended to live the rest of his life. Something in me resonated with that idea. It fit well in that part of me that ponders deep thoughts as I'm driving down the road (when I'm not commenting on the freakishly low IQs of my fellow motorists and the myriad of ways in which their low IQs impact my commute). So i decided to make a point this year of thinking about God and me and my family and life and what is and is not important.

A very good band once posed an inquiry which forms the title of this post (extra points if you can name them without looking it up). They went on to suggest that this kind of question isn't asked any more. I am inclined to agree. I feel, therefore, a necessity to pose it to myself. You may periodically be privy to my thoughts on that topic. I just thought you'd want to know what you may be getting yourself into by reading.


Ezekiel James said...

I believe the band's Crux. That's on the cakewalk record track 12. Good call. AWESOME SONG. It would have been a challenge had I not owned every all their records on vinyl and possessed a mild obsession with them through H.S.


Michael.Rollins said...

You know, it's quite ironic that you posted this, as this is the exact same thing I've been asking myself, albeit in different terms.

My question more resolves to "What caliber of man am I, and why am I not happy with this?"

To put it into the future, though, is indeed intriguing, as it takes away the "why am I not happy with this" part. Simply put, I can dispose of a lot of baggage by not focusing on the "me" portion and focusing on the "potential" of the question.

Good thoughts!

Inkwasbetter said...

Thank you, i appreciate it. i can echo the lack of satisfaction. The hope is that i will do more than simply ask the question. i hope to asnwer it and answer it well.